Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Digital Negatives or Prints?

So I've been thinking long and hard about what to do about Digital Negatives and prints. To express my biggest concern is that in the past when I have given the Digital Negatives with Signed release a lot of the times the photographs never leave the CD. They might be uploaded to the computer, shared on Facebook and through email but they never make it to a frame or wall. This makes me very sad.

As a photographer I want to see the fruits of my labor being enjoyed and not forgotten about in the memory of a computer. I've researched high and low for quality printing labs, professional photo books worthy of holding your valuable memories and I've tried  one way and another to convince you that Prints are the way to go.

So I have come to the conclusion, the customer is always right! I will once again offer a Copyright Release included in the session fee. But like all great things there is a catch (you are going to love this), you must print at My hypothesis is that with the right direction you will receive only one of the best quality products available to the everyday consumer.

Unlike or or All of which I use & all of which you must be a professional photographer to print from caters to consumers too. Ok so the secret is out, you too can print professional quality photography now please don't dissapoint me, I will once again be offering signed releases with your consent to print only at a professional lab.

But wait there's more! Prints will not go away, some people are oldschool and prefer the a physical product, (that's Me!) I will continue to offer Prints at a reduced price (to cover my time formating, ordering and delivering of printed product) from professional labs. So there its done, we both win!

Love hearing your thoughts, please comment below!

Jenneffer V

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